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“When COVID first hit, you remember when you couldn’t get toilet paper anywhere, everyone was helping each other with buying groceries, checking on elderly neighbours and then we thought COVID was over and we were okay. Then the second wave hit and we all got a bit disappointed and tired I guess. I was watching TV one night and saw these amazing ladies who had started up the angel next door movement. I thought I can do that and I jumped online and registered. It is amazing how good you feel helping other people.”


“I am a self-declared gym junkie. It is so good for my mental health. I found a few personal trainers who have put a workout session online, so now I jump on my exercise bike, get my weights out and put on my phone and follow along. It is easy and free.”


“Working from home has lost its appeal but luckily I have been able to have lunch with some of my colleagues by being a bit creative! The other day we all decided to order pizzas for lunch, delivered to our individual homes of course and jumped on house party to play trivia, have a laugh and a chat. Next week, we are playing cards online during our break.”


“Our staff group walk every Tuesday in the park and it clears our mind and energizes us for the afternoon”

- Deb

“I started volunteering in a local neighbourhood initiative. I have been knocking on my neighbours’ doors to ask them to complete a survey about how well they know their neighbours. I now know so many more people and I have introduced a few of those I met to others I have met. It is wonderful to help people around me.”

- Manal

“I was one that always thought, how can I help people [when] some days I can barely get out of bed myself. Then I came across some Youtube video on 5 ways and I realized that it can be as little as holding a door open for someone or letting them in ahead of me in traffic.”

- Katherine

“I was on [a] tram yesterday going to work and I noticed an older lady struggling to get her shopping trolley up the step. I jumped up and gave her a hand. No big deal, but I considered it my random act of kindness for the day.”

- Fadi

“Whenever I travel, I get inside the airport, smell the coffee and I know I am home. Being aware of the smell seems to offer me great comfort.”

- Emily

“I went camping last weekend and I was really surprised by how much I appreciated the silence. I camp probably 5-6 times per year but after reading about the 5 Ways, I think I notice the silence [more]. What a contrast!”

- Sergio

“I had a bit of health issue this year and I thought I [wasn’t] going to make it for a moment. That gives you a different perspective! I now appreciate things I took for granted before – the sun shining on my face, [and] the laughter of my son and wife are the best things. It is amazing how being aware of what you have in your life and being grateful it for makes you feel much happier.”

- Bill

“I was sitting on the sofa at night watching TV and eating snacks. I was getting fat! Then I read something on MSN that talked about not snacking after 7 or 8 at night. It was really hard to sit and watch TV and not do something with my hands so I decided to take up knitting. I went to Spotlight, spoke with one of the ladies who helped me with the needles, wool and directed me to a couple of websites. I visited my Grandma and she sat down with me and went through it step by step. I am just about to finish my first scarf, in the Collingwood colours of course”.

- Mariam

“We live inside a bubble within a big world. But with the internet, everything and everyone is closer now. I can’t afford to travel to meet new people from different cultures but I can jump online! So, with this in mind I took up conversational Spanish through the CAE. I now have posted an ad on Language Exchange to talk with someone from Spain.”

- Mary

“I am a Holden man from way back! When I was a kid, dad drove a Kingswood…good times. I was really excited to see a few wrecks advertised on Gumtree and thought ‘ I wonder if I could bring one back to its glory years?’ So, I went online and checked out a few Youtube videos, spoke with a couple of fellow enthusiasts and grabbed a manual. I pulled out the motor with a mate last week. She is going to look beautiful.”

- Allen

“My son started getting into scootering so I was at the skate park most weekends. I used to skateboard a bit when I was in my teens and I am now in my 30s. I noticed one of the other dads who didn’t look much younger than me [do it], so I thought why not? After a few falls and a bump or two…I am up and skateboarding again. It is awesome to know that I can still do it and my son loves the fact that we do an activity together.”

- Mohammed

“I was feeling tired most of time and wasn’t getting anywhere need the recommended exercise they talk about. I am so busy with work, the kids and keeping up with their schedule there is little time for me. So I started taking the stairs rather than the lift at work. I know I get at least 15 minutes of exercise a day and I feel like my mind is less foggy. It is amazing how little it takes to feel better.”

- Annie

“I started swimming a couple of mornings per week and I feel so much more energetic and positive.”

- Chrissy

“I baked a cake and took it round to my elderly neighbour today. Best feeling I have had in ages.”

- Lynne

“At least twice a week I arrange to meet a friend in town for soup over my lunch break. It’s been so good to catch up with people, and arranging it [in] advance means I can’t just work over my lunch hour like I used to.”

- Sarah

“I really enjoy a good chat and make time to speak to everyone I see in our building. When I’m not working I love spending time with my wife and children…”

- John

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