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Home > News & Events > Keep Learning > Easter Sunday Fun at Miss Porter’s House Museum

Easter Sunday Fun at Miss Porter’s House Museum

  • April 12, 2020
  • 1:00 pm
  • 4:00 pm
  • Adults $10, Concessions $8, Family $25, children under 5 free

Children can find the golden egg to win a basket of tiny Easter toys while everyone will enjoy pictures from the past a special display showing Newcastle life in the early twentieth century as lived by the Porter family of King Street.

A picture really is worth a thousand words and visitors will see items from the collection including courting post cards, holiday snaps, street scenes and local landmarks.

See PICTURES FROM THE PAST in the museum’s monthly display. The many family snaps, prints and commercial photographs in the Miss Porter’s House Museum collection paint a vivid portrait of Newcastle life in the early years of the twentieth century. They tell stories of Florence and her daughters Ella and Hazel who lived in the house from 1910, when Florence was a new bride, until the death of Hazel Porter in 1997.

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