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The Royal Melbourne Hospital encourages all Australians and staff teams to give the
5 Ways To Wellbeing a try, for a healthier and happier you!
It’s as easy as:

1.Think about what ‘wellbeing’ means to you and why it is important.3 minutes
2.Do the 5 Ways Wellbeing quiz and get your score3 minutes
3.Learn about 5 Ways by watching our video2 minutes
4.Complete the 5 Ways Action Plan as a team or for yourself10 minutes
5.Read the 5 Ways Fact sheet for ideas3 minutes
6.Check out the website for more ideas on each of the 5 Ways & activities you can join in your local area.5 minutes

The 5 Ways Directory

Discover What is In Your Local Area to Help You Do the 5 Ways
  • Select which of the 5 Ways you want to explore and then hit Search